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Washington State University Office of Emergency Management

About Us

Mission Statement:

To develop and administer a comprehensive emergency management program to encompass the five physical WSU campuses, as well as research stations and Extension sites throughout the state. This program works in partnership with academic colleges and departments, operating divisions and units, and the staff, faculty and students of WSU in cooperation with federal, state and local jurisdictions to protect the safety of students, faculty, staff, visitors & animals; to safeguard critical infrastructure, facilities, environment, essential records & research; and to resume operations as soon as practicable.

Values and Goals:

To take a look further into the Washington State University Office of Emergency Management’s Values and Goals, please see our Strategic Plan.


Emergency management functions in many forms have taken place at WSU for many years. Efforts by the Public Safety Office, Environmental Health and Safety, Business and Finance and other departments and units established the groundwork for current emergency management functions. In 2004 it was determined an office and personnel specifically dedicated to the tasks associated with effective emergency management for an institution of the scale and scope of WSU was needed. The Emergency Management unit was established under the Division of Business and Finance to address the increasing needs of WSU to meet accepted standards for emergency planning, response, recovery, and mitigation throughout the University’s statewide presence.

Gary Jenkins
335-8548 Chief of the WSU Police Department
Dawn Daniels
335-4385 or 8548 Assistant Chief of the WSU Police Department
Doug Anderson
335-7471 Emergency Management / Fire Safety
Jason Sampson
335-9564 Director EH&S & Emergency Management
Shawn Ringo
335-5251 Director EH&S & Emergency Management
WSU Pullman Emergency Response Unit Directors
Dawn Daniels
335-4385 or 8548 Assistant Chief of the WSU Police Department
Craig Cole
335-9000 Executive Director Facilities Services
Jason Sampson
335-9564 Director EH&S & Emergency Management
Shawn Ringo
335-5251 Director EH&S & Emergency Management
WSU Spokane Emergency Management Contacts
Jonathan Schad
(509) 358-7991 Director Facilities Operations
WSU Vancouver Emergency Management Contacts
Dave Stephenson
(360) 546-9004 Lieutenant/Manager Department of Public Safety and Police Services
WSU Tri-Cities Emergency Management Contacts
Scott Tomren
(509) 372-7163 Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator
WSU Everett Emergency Management Contacts
Cheryl Blackburn
(425) 405-1712 Facilities Administrator